Saturday, October 1, 2016

Be Brave Saturday: Doubt and Dreams

The open road.  It will always call to me--the freedom from the everyday and the freedom for a new day of people and places never seen before.  With a map to our destination, we prepare for the trip and what we will find when we arrive.  But we always find the most important thing at the end of the road--ourselves.  Our true selves, with all the excess stripped away and just the bare requirements we need to live the adventure we dreamed of.

But back at home, we are not as free.  We hold our dreams so tightly, wanting to keep them close, in the light of today. We doubt tomorrow because we only trust the right now.  But it's in the dim haze ahead, on that open road, that those dreams flourish and grow. 

What are your dreams, friends? What map are you drawing that will lead you to your true self?  What brave thing will you do TODAY to make your dreams come true tomorrow?


  1. I am writing my first Christian fiction novel. I am stepping out in faith and praying that God will give me the words He wants me to share. :-)

    1. That is awesome! I heard a podcast with Beth Moore the other day and she talked about how her first fiction book that just came out was more of a challenge than all her others, because it let someone into her imagination. I had never thought of it that way! Good luck to you and I wish you ALL the best!


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