Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Pinterest Projects I Actually Completed: Heart Dream Catcher

I posted this on my Instagram last month, but it's been on my to do list for a while.  This weekend we finally had a break from the craziness and I got my craftiness on (sometimes it's hard to tell the difference).  I looked all over the web for instructions and they were either too vague or the dream catcher they were making was way too complicated.  So, here goes my version!

I took a white wire clothes hanger and cut it with wire cutters.  I used the natural bend as the bottom of the heart and then shaped the top with pliers.  This is how it looked before the yarn.

I clipped off the sharp points and started wrapping the red yarn around the wire.  I wrapped it fairly tight so that no white would be showing.  Once I was around the whole thing, I tied a double knot and snipped off the excess.  Then, I moved on to the turquoise yarn.  I wrapped from the opposite direction and didn't do it as tightly so that some of the red would show through.  It doesn't have to be perfect and honestly, it looks better if it's not absolutely perfectly lined up.  (I know this because my inner OCD made me do it lined up and it was cheesy.  :-)

Now for the dream catching part.  A real, Native dream catcher will have an intricately woven middle with a beautiful design.  I make no claims to be a weaver.  I took a long piece of red yarn  and wrapped it around in a somewhat random fashion.  I realize my design will allow some dreams to leak out.  Hopefully it will be the bad ones and all the good ones will stay.  

(At this point I may or may  not have tried to make a yarn pompom for the bottom and it may or may not have ended up looking like a psychedelic fuzzy spider created for a first grade art project.)

What I ended up going with for the bottom of the heart was two strands of blue and two strands of red tied around the bottom bend.  They only ended up being about an inch long and then I took an ice pick and separated out the strands of the yarn to make it look like fringe.

For the hanger, I (read:  little sister) braided 3 strands of blue and 3 strands of red and tied them to the heart and to each other to make a loop.  Here's the final reveal!

This ended up a little too large for my car.  I am sure my passengers will be thrilled that I will not be hanging this ginormous distraction from my rearview mirror.  I'm going to save it for my sweet little Shasta Trailer to ensure sweet dreams on my next adventure.  
A photo posted by @bluejeansandturquoise on

I'd love you to follow me on Instagram!

I'm linking this project up to Home Stories A to Z tips and tutorial linky party and to the Moonlight and Mason Jars Linky Party.  Join us over for there for lots of crafty goodness!  

Linky Party!

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